Our Story

Our Story

Finkel & Garf Brewing Company is a family owned and operated craft brewery founded in 2014 in Boulder, Colorado. As a family, we share a love of well crafted beer and an appreciation for the life experiences we have enjoyed with a beer in hand.

Our reason for being is simple:

  1. To make outstanding craft beer
  2. To facilitate great moments among family and friends.
Our Brewery is centered around a 15 barrel brew house designed to produce beer for our Tap Room, as well as bars, restaurants, and liquor stores throughout Colorado. We also have a 3 barrel brewhouse for experimental projects and Tap Room exclusives.

Over the years, we have expanded our portfolio of beers beyond our core offering to 50+ new beers per year. These beers are very limited in volume, and rarely produced more than once per year. This has kept us at the forefront of fermentation innovation while keeping our customers excited about the Finkel & Garf line up.

Our philosophy is simple:

The process of selecting and drinking a beer shouldn’t be complicated, confusing, or too serious.

  1. Beer should be straightforward in presentation, consistent in flavor and quality, and balanced.
  2. Beer shouldn’t be the center of attention, but rather a facilitator of unforgettable moments.
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